The Importance of an RSVP

Répondez, S‘il Vous Plaît. 4 simple words; derived the French, meaning ‘Please respond’ (I know, I know, who would’ve thought the French could sound so eloquent, right!) Even so, these 4 letters, carry more power than you may realize.
So why is it so important to respond to an event? Think about it, when you host an event of any caliber, be it a wedding, a shower, a birthday, or anniversary, you want to invite your friends and family to be there and join the celebration.
That being said, as a host, you are not just responsible for those who are on the guest list. The guest list in and of itself dictates so many factors when throwing an event; how much food needs to be made, how many place settings, how many chairs, covers, and sashes are needed, etc?
Trust me, as an event draws near, whoever is hosting said event will slowly start to lose their marbles over all the details that come with hosting a soiree. As a friend, but more so as a privileged guest who has been invited to attend such a gathering, please help your host(s) alleviate the headache of ‘Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner’ and please do as the French do and R.S.V.P.